"There is no stronger weapon against inequality and no better path to opportunity than an education that can unlock a child's God-given potential."

President Barack Obama

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Crab In A Bucket

“areas like Englewood and Altgeld Gardens, where, as a funeral director explains, ‘Young people do not expect to live past 30.’”
A History of Violence, LA Weekly, p.53; Melissa Anderson; August 26-September 1, 2011

“In case you didn’t know, he also has another pretty new house that he purchased for roughly fourteen million dollars in Miami, Florida.  This house is on a private island in Miami Beach and has three levels.”
Lil Wayne House In Miami Beach,

 “The Carters are almost finished construction on a ridiculous sized home they allegedly bought together over six months ago in Scarsdale, NY. Interestingly, it’s also the city where they filed their marriage license.”
Beyonce & Jay-Z's New House,

 “In June of 2008 Rick Ross purchased a home in Davie, Florida for $1,250,000.”

 “The Town of Davie is also the nexus of higher education in South Florida where several nationally known colleges, technical institutes, and universities make up the South Florida Educational Center. Plus, we have the privilege of calling Davie the home of the Miami Dolphins who practice daily at Nova Southeastern University!”

“I made it out the hood.” That is what many rappers say. People want to make it out the hood, but what is holding you back??? Is it someone physically pulling on you so you cannot go forward? Did someone threaten your life if you leave the hood? How come so many people love claiming the hood but want to make it out? How come there are no mainstream rappers living in the hood? They claim they are hood, but DO NOT LIVE THERE. So what is the point of talking about the hood if you do not want anything to do with it? Why do not Jay-Z and Lil Wayne say instead that they want people to educate themselves and everyone help each other to make it out, or better yet, eliminate the hood? The people that keep this “hood” alive are the uneducated people who do not want a better life. They love struggling, living paycheck to paycheck and they love being disrespected and not revered. THEY LOVE BEING INFERIOR. You must surround yourself with people who are positive and DO NOT HAVE A NIGGER MENTALITY. That is the only way anyone is going to make it out of any dire situation.

Black People Need Education, Not Obama

"Historically, the unemployment rate for African Americans has always been higher than the national average. However, now it's at Depression-era levels. The most recent figures show African American joblessness at 16.2 percent. For black males, it's at 17.5 percent; and for black teens, it's nearly 41 percent."

"If you haven't connected with the world of work by the age of 25, it's a permanent problem for the rest of your career," says David Johns with the Community Service Society.

 “Christopher Scott, 20 and a high school drop-out, got a GED last year, but he hasn't been able to find a job ever since. “

 “For those with less than a college education, finding a job alone isn't the answer.”
African-American unemployment at 16 percent, http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2011/06/19/eveningnews/main20072425.shtml

Since the Recession started, hiring employment has been down 66% for Hispanics, 53% for Blacks, and 16% for Whites.

 “President Barack Obama has cited South Koreans’ zeal as an example of the need for American kids to study harder to compete…”
Bloomberg Businessweek, p.16, Sangim Ham & Rose Kim, July 11-17

There is all this talk that Obama needs to pay attention to the Black community. No! He needs to pay attention to everyone like he is already doing. If he was white, Hispanic, or Asian no one would be saying that he needs to pay attention to the Black community. What the BLACK COMMUNITY NEEDS TO DO IS TAKE EDUCATION MORE SERIOUSLY. Stop dropping out of high school, start enrolling into a university or junior college, receive a degree and then go into Corporate America so you can open doors for one another. STOP DEPENDING ON OBAMA. Obama has a degree from one of the top universities in the world. His daughters will receive the same thing. OBAMA IS SET FOR LIFE. But the Black community is not. Unemployment is high in the Black community because so many Black youth drop out of high school, do not chose to go to college, get caught in crime, have unwed babies, or are just apathetic. THAT NEEDS TO STOP! AND NOW! If it does not, then expect to see this unemployment rate to rise. The holiday season is coming and companies will not be hiring. Production will rise temporary and then significantly fall, leaving many out of a job because they are seasonal. Unless the Black youth takes education seriously, as well as their parents and the adults around them, then the 16.2%, 17.5%, AND THE 41% IS NOT GOING ANYWHERE.

White People Have the Right to Say Nigger

There has been some controversy over a white rapper saying the word nigger. SO WHAT!? Black people SAY THE WORD NIGGER ALL THE TIME. Why are Black people getting mad because someone else said it? Jay-Z and Lil Wayne cannot put out an album without saying the word. It is racial discrimination to allow one race of people to do something and not allow another because of the color of their skin, therefore, it would be racist to say that a white rapper cannot say the word nigger because they are white when Black people say it every day. White people should say the word nigger and not feel guilty because if Jay-Z, Lil Wayne and every other rapper can say it and not feel guilty, why not them? If Black people do not want anything like this occurring than they should STOP SAYING THE WORD NIGGER ALTOGETHER, but we all know THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN.
What is truly funny is that while there is this controversy over a white rapper saying the n-word, you have never heard a black rapper say anything derogatory about white people, like saying the word CRACKER. Why? Because A WHITE MAN SIGNS THEIR CHECK. Black rappers know that if they ever said anything harmful, baleful, or threatening to white people they would never see the light of day again. So they behave like GOOD LITTLE BLACK RAPPERS and never BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS THEM. You will NEVER hear any Black rapper say anything bad about any other race but Black people, because as long as it is in the Black community it is ok but when it crosses over, then we have a problem. Jay-Z would not have received $150,000,000 from Live Nation CEO Michael Rapino if he would have said anything bad about white people. They all know, so the Black rappers PLAY THEIR ROLE and do not overstep their boundaries. The Black rappers are the WIVES and the white man that signs their checks is the HUSBAND. What is even funnier is that the white rapper that says the word nigger, she still has a record deal.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

What Are You Fighting For!?

–verb (used with object)
to put an end to the activities of (a person, body of persons, etc.): to suppress the Communist party.
to do away with by or as by authority; abolish; stop (a practice, custom, etc.).

–verb (used with object)
to burden with cruel or unjust impositions or restraints; subject to a burdensome or harsh exercise of authority or power

To suppress something it must be moving forward. The object/organism must be transitioning into a better statehood for you to suppress it. But how can you suppress something that is not transitioning? YOU CANNOT. The entire purpose of stopping something is so it does not accomplish its goal, so therefore if an organism never had a goal to begin with, something interrupting that organism never really suppressed it.

The Black Panther coalition had a motto. “Fight the Power.” But what was “the Power?” What were they fighting for? Was it equality amongst their white counterparts? Equal rights for all? An equal opportunity to enroll into college and reach the American Dream? Fight the power, fight the power; what was “the Power?” Who was “the Power” to be exact? Was it the White Man, white people as a whole, or society as a whole? In the 80’s and early 90’s crime was at its peak in the Black community. Poverty was at its peak. Desolation and negativity was at its crest. So who was “the Power” if all of this was occurring in the Black community by the hands of African Americans? Was there injustice by many against the Black community? Of course, and there still is. BUT, before the ’92 Rodney King Riots, LOS ANGELES WAS ALREADY A HAVEN FOR BLACK ON BLACK CRIME AND GANG VIOLENCE. Was the the Black on Black crime “the Power,” or was it the injustice by the crooked individuals?

These two passages bring me to my junction. FROM THE 1970’S TO NOW THE BLACK COLLEGE ENROLLMENT RATE HAS ONLY RISEN 4%. Prisons are flooding with African Americans and it has been acknowledged that more African American men are in prison (and going to) than in college. African American males have a 47% high school graduation rate. More Black people die between the ages of 20-29 than any other race in America. More Black males and females die between the ages of 20-24 than White males 20-29. When rates like these are STAGGERING who needs “the Power” to suppress you? YOU ARE SUPPRESSING YOURSELF. “The Power” does not need to step in because you are already doing their job for them. What are you really fighting for? Is it external change or internal change because before you expect someone else to change you must first look at yourself.

Suppression does not exist to an educated person. A savant cannot be held down by “the Power.” Only weak minded people fight back with physical force. If you are higher educated than you know how to circumvent around “the Power” utilizing your mind and not your fist. Riots ensue because of deep anger instilled in the hearts of the individuals rioting; but riots are never a solution. Marches and protests show a presence and can be great influences; but this too is not a significant solution. What fights “the Power” from all sides is EDUCATION. Acquiring a higher education and implementing it against the system in an adept way that sidles in constructive change. That is how you fight oppression. Not by violence, but by intelligence.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Only White People Think Outside the Box; That’s Not Black Enough

When you were in school, what did you want to be when you grew up? A fireman, doctor, lawyer, superhero? And why did you want to be this? Was it because it looked cool; your parents were in that profession; or was it just something that came natural to you? Well, while on your way to achieving your childhood dream, did anyone ever tell you you were not cool enough, or smart enough, or even cultural enough to be in that profession? That question may sound “strange” but in many ways our perceptions of what people do certain things and what things are suppose to be done by certain people shapes the paths in our lives. All through history as it has been presented to us, White people have been in charge and Black people the dogs on a leash, so it would be fitting if we always saw African Americans working low-income jobs and Caucasians resting in their high-rises correct? You have never seen an Asian where a turban so how would you respond if you did? Only Middle Eastern and Indian people do that correct? If you saw a raunchy country music video consisting of white women shaking their booties all over the place, would you be appalled or not fazed at all? Raunchy videos full of nudity are reserved for the hip hop videos consisting of Black and Hispanic women right? We have our perceptions of how things are suppose to be in life, like we are suppose to marry our own kind and Bill Gates is supposed to be the richest man in the world (when he lost the seat it was a shock; being defeated by a Mexican was even a more shock). But when we let these perceptions impede our aspirations how can we overcome obstacles or defy expectations if we just prolong dubiety?

What do you want to be when you grow up? An engineer. An engineer? But Black people don’t do that, that’s for them white folks. A ubiquitous mein in the Black community for decades has been that certain professions or activities are only reserved for White people and that by partaking in these activities an African American is WHITEWASHED, SELLING OUT THEIR PEOPLE, or TURNING THEIR BACK ON THEIR PEOPLE. Why when it comes down to opening your mind or being creative, countless African Americans have felt that something is NOT BLACK ENOUGH for them to participate? This perception on things such as professions and leisure has made the African American population excluded out of many sectors of society that are vital to having influence. How many African Americans are there in the Senate, Congress, or the Supreme Court? How many African American curators of museums and galleries are there worldwide? How many African American engineers are there in the fields of innovation? A terribly faint number, mainly because African Americans’ perceptions of these occupations is that Black people are not inclined to be in these positions and that all of them are something that White people are only in to. But why do many African Americans feel this way? Why do they feel that California’s suburbs Brentwood, Westwood, and Beverly Hills are suppose to be preen and South LA, the Crenshaw district, and East LA are suppose to be a haven for filth? What images have been embedded in their minds to make them believe that only White faces are suppose to walk down Wall Street wearing suits and Black faces are suppose to walk the street in city uniforms? Four qualities that have plagued and empowered the Black community may be the key.

Is the reason why many African Americans believe that being a scientist is only for White people is because of some ATAVISTIC QUALITY that has been implanted in them since the world’s inception? Maybe AFRICAN AMERICANS WERE NOT BUILT TO APPRECIATE OR PARTICIPATE IN MANY THINGS THAT CAUCASIANS FIND INTERESTING. Maybe some ancient quality in African Americans has held them from GIVING IN to European society and accepting their leisure. Maybe many African Americans not only feel complacent by staying in their little bubble but also feel they are staying true to their roots by not taking up scientific, mathematic, or innovative positions. Maybe this quality nesting inside of them is keeping the Black state of mind alive and resistant from the European invasion.

Maybe the reason behind many African Americans choosing to work inside of the box instead of outside is because of Hip Hop music. Hip Hop is raunchy, hardcore, blunt, seminal, and commanding. Hip Hop’s influence over the world has become a force to be reckoned with, and its power only seems to be getting stronger and stronger. The youth of the world listen more to Jay-Z than they do their parents, and if Jay-Z said go to school and receive an education in his lyrics than a bulk of his listeners would probably take heed. But Hip Hop’s premier message is money, power, and respect, and not through the means of a college education. So maybe the message that Hip Hop conveys is leading countless African Americans to commit violence, drag to the employment office, and wave off a college education. Maybe if Jay-Z did tell his listeners go to college in his lyrics instead of “Money, Cash, Hoes,” then maybe there would be a higher Black college enrollment rate.

A third reason behind African Americans feeling that BEVERLY HILLS IS SUPPOSED TO BE FILLED WITH WHITE FACES is that many African Americans do not see enough Black faces in certain areas to feel that Black people are wanted or even qualified to occupy that space. If you never saw an alien would you believe that they existed? That is the same belief with believing that African Americans can be in venerated positions without the image to prove it. Maybe African Americans are not seeing enough Black engineers, marketers, scientists, or architects to even aspire to be in those positions. Maybe only seeing White people in these positions makes many African Americans believe that these positions are only suited for Caucasians. Sure African Americans are teeming in the NBA, NFL, and music industry, and maybe this is due to the fact that these three industries are BROADCASTED to them everyday. But if this is true, then why do African Americans not take this opportunity to fill in the voids where they are missing? Be a pioneer in a world unexplored. Or have they not witnessed that as well?

The last reason that can come to mind is that AFRICAN AMERICANS ARE LAZY. What other term can you use when there is a paucity of African Americans enrolling into college (13%), in the engineering and computer field, and living in the high rated suburbs of America? Or are they not inspired to achieve these feats? It could be that African Americans are spending their time and money else where, like revitalizing their Black populated hamlets? But what about the soaring unemployment rate in the Black community? Without Black faces in the engineering and computer industry, where do you believe Black inventions are going to come from? If no one is inspired to step into realms that African Americans have not made settlements in (which is none since BLACKS HAVE BEEN INNOVATING SINCE THE DAWN OF TIME) then how do African Americans plan on having some type of cultural influence or even significance in society? That is like saying, “I don’t like spaghetti,” and you have never eaten spaghetti. You will never know how anything works, spawns, or influences unless you aspire to try.

African Americans must become more open-minded and dwell into fields they have never been exposed to to stay current, creative, and influential. NONE OF THIS HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH SELLING OUT. There is no decree stating that Whites are allowed to do this and Blacks are allowed to do that. Everything is open for everyone to indulge into and perfect. All of this comes down to three aspects that have yet to be identified by many African Americans.

ADAPTATION. Over the past decade since 2001, we have transitioned from mp3 players to IPods, DVD to Blu-Ray, Hi-Def to 3-D, and from laptops to IPads. All of this was done with a continuation of education and aspiration to innovate. Where can there be innovation if AFRICAN AMERICANS ARE CHOOSING TO LIVE INSIDE THE GLASS BOX, VIEWED DAY AND NIGHT BY THE PASSING CAUCASIAN WHO IS DEVELOPING THE NEXT GREAT IDEA. Where can African Americans claim fame or pride when they had no input whatsoever on anything that has impacted our lives over the past decade? To succeed you must adapt, and to adapt, you must educate yourself.

CULTIVATION. When you adapt you grow. You become a better person, sometimes a new person. You have gained new knowledge which has taken you to new heights. Your old shell has shed and the new one has caught the eye of exceptional magnates who want to utilize your talents. But without knowledge none of this could have been done. If African Americans are settling for the same low-income job that has stereotyped their community and not opening their eyes to broader horizons, what shell can they shed if they like keeping the old one on?

ASPIRATION. You adapted to the new trend and kick started the wave of new technologies everyone is gunning for. You have grown as a businessman/woman and now are ready to command your own suit. But none of that would have been possible if you did not have a vision. A vision that inspired you to become greatness; a contributor to your society. A vision that would never exit your mind even after it was accomplished. Your growth was contributed to you WANTING TO SUCCEED. And it is this aspiration that many African Americans must embrace, and through all fields of life.

Things are not just BLACK AND WHITE. Black people are not suppose to just do this and White people that. SUCCESS HAS NO COLOR. What makes something Black enough? Does anyone know? What makes something “something only White people are into?” Does anyone know? Scientist, lawyer, doctor, architect, judge, race car driver, and hockey player. Are all these professions reserved only for White people? If Black people venture into these professions will they be ostracized and kicked out? African Americans must open their minds more and embrace a world that is free to roam for everyone. Whether majority Asian people do something, Hispanic people do something, or Indian people do something, that does not mean that Black people cannot partake in the festivities as well. African Americans are lacking behind and many of the reasons are incredulous beliefs towards society’s occupations, opportunities, and leisure. THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX, NOT WITHIN IT.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Black People Don’t Care About College

“With youth unemployment in America at around 20 percent…”

“America has long prided itself on being a fair society, where everyone has an equal chance of getting ahead, but the statistics suggest otherwise: the chances of a poor citizen, or even a middle-class citizen, making it to the top in America are smaller than in many countries of Europe. The cards are stacked against them.”
Joseph E. Stiglitz; Of The 1%, By The 1%, For The 1%, p. 126; Vanity Fair, May 2011

Porn Actress "Pinky" acquired scholarships to attend college and turned them down for a career in stripping. If she wasn't doing porn, where would she be?

What is the purpose of going to college? To just get an education? To find your career? To prepare yourself for the change of the world? To satisfy your parents? Some go to college because it is a family tradition. Others go because it is their only way out of poverty. And when someone is in college, what experiences are they learning? Is it to accept everyone for who they are because of the immense variety of cultures, religions, and outlooks that occupy the campus? Is it accepting who you are because you discover that you are not the only one who thinks and looks like you do? What about enlightening yourself on information that was withheld from you in high school so that now you can go out into the world and make things better? And finally when that degree is sitting on your wall and you have entered the corporate world making a modest entry pay of 36,000 or more, how relevant do you feel that the education you paid 80,000 or more aided you in acquiring this job or any other business venture you may enter? How relevant do you feel that it is to life’s lessons and bourgeoning as a contributing citizen? How did something that took four-six hard years to earn develop your talent or even expose it? The vantage point on college varies depending on one’s future profession, the profession they’re in, and their background. And as a person goes through college their mind state on how important it is to them changes; for some it intensifies, for others it wanes.

It is no doubt that college changes your life like surgery; the four-six years of painstaking tests are arduous but when the degree is placed in your hand you are undeniably a smarter and more durable individual than before. It is impossible to come out of college and have the same thinking about business and people than before. College shapes you into a think tank, and the more involved you are in its extracurricular activities than the more outgoing, outspoken, and outright. But with all its glory and respect that comes with possessing a college degree, does the obstacles of entering and enduring college outweigh its merit?

More people have EXCUSES (depending on how you look at it) to why they do or did not go to college than they have viable reasons to go. To the three main questions asked in the opening paragraph, a negative answer comes out of the mouths of many American citizens. What is the purpose of going to college? “To just get an education.” “To prove that you’re better than everybody else who can’t afford it.” “To waste thousands of dollars on a degree you don’t need.” “There is no purpose. You can do the same thing by just getting a good job and working your way to the top.” The first step to go to college is having the right grades. Private institutions have seen an influx of students trying to squeeze into their venerable classrooms over the past decade. To get into these elite schools it takes elite grades which cannot be achieved by class clowns, rabble-rousers, and athletes depending on their skills to grant them college access. From the first day of 9th grade many students minds are not on what college they want to attend, so when the last two years of “get your grades up comes,” for many it is a do or die situation. So when a young person starts to see the college they want to attend drift away because of their FAILURE to reach the college’s caliber, peers around them drop out or dismiss a higher education, and people in the community around them living a faux luxurious life from working at the local warehouse, their perspective on the significance of a degree begins to fade. Everything then becomes achievable from the mind state of getting a good paying job while the leisure that they enjoy now as a high school student can still be experienced if they lounge around and barely make ends meet. The next phase to enter the golden gates is acquiring the thousands of dollars that it will take for a student to hold a certificate that says Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctorate’s on it. This is where most of the momentum burns out for aspiring students. Teenagers coming from wealthy families never have to worry bout fronting the $100,000 bill for their universities, they just have to choose one. Middle-class and lower-class citizens on the other end make their college choices around the financial aid that is available to them and how much they can pay back. When faced with this obstacle the first thing that runs through a person’s mind is “I can’t afford college.” This belief leads them to go into fields that they are unhappy with or taking up a job that they become stuck at. After years of eking at these workplaces, either the burden of confinement settles on them and they want to go back to school or they just give up and put all their hope into their kids.

Now that a person has been accepted and money is in the bank, all that is needed is that they keep their grades above water for the next four-six years (the same thing asked of them since elementary). People at this point come up with a myriad of reasons why they drop out after taking a seat in a coveted school that another deserving person should have received. “Sitting in a classroom while I can be working is not for me.” “I don’t understand why we have to take classes that we don’t use in our field.” “It conflicts with my job schedule.” “I’m not a good study person and the tests were too hard. Things are on the test that I didn’t study for.” College challenges your critical thinking, patience, dedication, and creativity. Many each year stop coming to class because these challenges are HARD. And after four years of P.E., algebra and geometry, and passing notes to your girlfriend who wants to spend the NEXT four years taking even harder tests that require longer study periods? Many do not and this is what breaks them. There are people who love challenges but in general, PEOPLE WANT THINGS THAT COME EASY TO THEM, and A DEGREE IS NOT ONE OF THOSE THINGS. Since college is not required for basic jobs that pay a modest income, why strain your brain to receive the best living when you can receive an OK living just by working 40 hours a week making $400-$500? This is what is going through the minds of students whose grades are too low, family is poor, or cannot take the pressure of a fifty question Psychology test.

No one with a college degree is going to tell you not to go to college because they know of the life changing experiences that it will bring you. On the other hand those who did not go to college will tell you not to go or find an alternative to college because they are oblivious to the opportunities that will open for you once you have that degree. Only a small few who did not go to college will encourage a person to go because they do not want that person to go down the same cul de sac that they marched into. But just like everything else in life, the outlook on college comes from the aspirations of the person. The difference between a self-made millionaire and a proletariat is that the millionaire WANTED to become wealthy, which means if a person wanted to become smarter, they would do what it takes to accomplish that. There are three types of people in the world, and two of them go to college.

The first type is the MAGNATE; these are the sole proprietors, CEO’s, members of the C-Class, generals of Wall Street, titans of Hollywood, digerati of Silicon Valley, and strivers of perfection. Through high school they maintained a respectable GPA which granted them access to a vaunted college and then took their degree into their field and dominated. These people care about their future, their children’s future, the safety of their neighborhoods, their investments, America’s economy, international trade, politics, and discovering the latest techniques to out-perform their opponent. These people are very active in the community, politics, and activities going on in the city. And through their hard work and dedication these people take random vacations, enjoy a comfortable living, and have the freedom to enjoy leisures that the normal 9-5 employee does not.

The second type of person is the EMPLOYEE. Now some of these people go to college and others do not. This person is not so much concentrated on starting their own business or running the company. They have high aspirations of themselves and can see themselves working at a respectable level but only a few actually strive for it. Those who do go to college look for any type of work that is respectable to them and pays a comfortable income for their lifestyle. These people do not wish to become the next Donald Trump or Michael Bloomberg but want to hold a challenging position where they are rewarded accordingly. Those who do not go to college try to elevate through seniority and experience at their company and are willing to take a comfortable pay as long as they have just a little extra to cover them for weekend leisure. The Employee are people who will most likely retire from a company and live off their social security or whatever savings they have accumulated, where the Magnate will retire and live off their wealth and investments.

The last type of person is the VASSAL. These people care nothing about living comfortably, getting a college education, politics, investments, the safety of their hamlets, or their future. These people do not care what type of job they work at and do not care about elevating at their company. These people rarely vote in politics and are the most likely to condone violence in the neighborhood and littering. No community service is carried out by these people and day in and day out is the same thing for them. Monday through Friday these people do the same job, receive the same pay, and see the same people. Vacation is a luxury that rarely comes and when it does is bounded by the time they have spent at the company and not by the amount of work gleaned. Also vacation for them is not extravagant as the Magnate who may travel to another country for a month or two. Whatever laws the government passes the Vassal has to abide by because they almost never go to the polls to voice their opinion and do not wish to know what is even going on in the political world. The Vassal rarely reads on the latest innovations and even when they do, only a few are able to afford them by dissipating their entire paycheck on the invention. The Vassal dreams big but does nothing to pursue their velleity. These people gawk at the wealth of the Magnate and wonder how could someone become so rich while the Magnate stares at them and wonders how could someone want to be so poor. The Vassal has no business etiquette, ethics, or no-how and money managing skills. The Vassal is complacent working at a job at the age of 42 where a 16 yr. old can apply for and is comfortable with having a younger, less experienced college graduate as their boss, obverse of a Magnate or Employee, who needs an equal or higher educated person as their overseer. The Vassal, other than a child, is the least educated person on the planet. They are obsolete in the business world and are unable to carry on an intellectual conversation due their absentee of a higher education.

“In 2008, the median of the earnings of young adults with a bachelor's degree was $46,000, while the median was $36,000 for those with an associate's degree, $30,000 for those with a high school diploma or its equivalent, and $23,500 for those who did not earn a high school diploma or its equivalent.”
U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. (2010)

So as we have identified, the hurdles of being accepted into college, paying tuition, and maintaining above a 3.0 GPA for four years is daunting to the aspiring Seminole, Gator, or Bruin. And if that person falls in the Employee or Vassal bracket then that person may not even give themselves a chance to see how far they can go and achieve. But through it all statistics have shown that people with Bachelor’s degrees make 53% more than high school graduates. People with Master’s degrees make 20% more than people with Bachelor’s degrees, and people with Doctorate’s degrees can make a million dollars more than everyone under them. So if a person is looking for wealth, STATISTICALLY, college is the only way to go.

Bill Gates Doesn’t Have A Street Mentality

How does one acquire a street mentality? Does it come from refusing to get a job? Does it seep into your brain furtively while you play cops and robbers as a child? Or is it something that is genetically passed down through your lineage? Or how about is it something that is taken upon by people who rebuff financial freedom and a business acumen? The “streets” looked at from a “hood” perspective are the ghettos, hoods, flavellas, wards, and slums of the poverty stricken and forlorn communities. The streets are tough, rugged, and unloving. It cares for no one and only looks out for itself. The people that run the streets are the bums, pushers, thieves, prostitutes, murderers, and crime infested bedlamites who refuse to enroll into college or pick up a history book and learn all of the sacrifices their forefathers went through so they could have an opportunity to flourish in a cynical society. The people that regulate the streets are the police, who all the aforementioned flee from so they can keep their freedom; freedom that can never be taken away unless YOU commit a crime which seals your own fate. Many rappers say they are not scared of anyone and will take a man’s life if they are tested. Yet these same rappers along with other titular thugs run from the police, which overtly displays their FEAR of another man. Being in the streets is a job to some and a lifestyle for others. The streets makes a person watchful, dubious, and malicious. Notorious B.I.G. ran the streets of New York. Tupac Shakur ran the streets of California. And it is those same streets that took their lives; the same streets that have taken COUNTLESS AFRICAN AMERICAN LIVES for the reasons of gang violence, jealousy, territory, and stupidity. Making it out the ghetto means you have made it out the streets, which to many has been a task that is Mission: Impossible. Or is it?

So to make it out the streets it would take a street mentality correct? No, it would take a business mentality, the same mentality that is needed to make it out of any situation. Good grades equals you are accepted to a respectable college equals you receive a top education equals you acquire a great position at a venerable company. The elevation gained throughout your career moves you out of the streets and into the palisades of west Los Angeles. This is not acquired by standing under a street light watching for police, refusing to get a job because you feel you’re too good to work, or putting aside college because you feel it is a waste of time.

Having a street mentality means that you are uncivilized, conniving, dangerous, and uneducated. You are not equipped with the brain of a genius or magnate but trapped in a void of irrelevance, meaning everything that you do is irrelevant to what is actually significant in life. Graduating from high school and going off to college; that is relevant to success. Dropping out and working a dead in job is not. Investing and starting your own business is relevant to success. Squandering your money in the club and not saving money for your kid’s college fund is not. A person who possesses a street mentality believes they are outsmarting the law, when really the UNIVERSITY EDUCATED GOVERNMENT knows every move they make and have set up the Chess match so that the drug dealer pawns can be moved at their will. A street mentality leaves one to believe that putting money back into the hood is helping the youth when really the youth needs education, guidance, and role models more than anything. With this trinity they can create wealth in the community once they graduate from college. A street mentality promotes hatred against their brother, jealousy for material objects they cannot afford, and brings death to their community through violence. You can never have a street and business mentality in the same brain. One wants to do business and grow, the other wants to be a hoodlum. Hoodlums cause destruction, the antipodal of cultivation.

Bill Gates has been for the past two decades one of the richest men in the world. Did he achieve this through a street mentality? No, he achieved it through a business mentality. Getting an education, starting a business, expanding his business, and investing in business. None of these accomplishments involved committing crimes, squandering his capital, refusing to get a job, or dropping out of school. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and other magnates from around the world succeeded because they acknowledged that financial freedom came with education and not the streets.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Stop Protesting!

At 1230 am on March 3, 1991, Rodney King was caught driving inebriated, speeding down the road by California Highway Patrol. The police pursued King which created a high speed chase on the freeway reaching 117 miles per hour. King REFUSED to pull over because a DUI would violate his parole for his robbery conviction in 1989. Several police cars and a helicopter joined in the pursuit through a residential area which finally ended with police cornering King’s car. When ordered to get out of the vehicle, King REFUSED. Because of his incompetence due to his high level of alcohol, King resisted the polices’ arrest attempts. After being tasered twice and countless orders to lie down, King rose to his feet and either appeared to flee or attack an officer. In defense, the officers swarmed King with batons. All of this was caught on video. The results of the subsequent Rodney King Trial ensued in one of Los Angeles’s most frightening events in modern, American history. Protests, rallies, riots, and hatred flared until what seems like justice was served.

On January 1, 2009, a young man named Oscar Grant was detained by police after being allegedly involved in a train station skirmish. Police officers are shown on video beating Mr. Grant and then shooting him while he is face down and in handcuffs. His murderer, Officer Johannes Mehserle, was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter.

In both of these cases the men were REPEATING OFFENDERS. Both of these men knew fully well what they were doing and did it anyway. Yet Black people did not acknowledge the hoodlum past of these two or the CRIMES they had broken upon being detained. Now the way the story has been told is that Black people were victimized, which is up to the court records to prove. What is a fact is that when these two Black men were detained, they had caused a ruckus for someone to have to come and restrain them. This being said, it is evident they brought harm unto themselves for if the acts that they endured happened without probable cause to harass them then those officers who stepped in should have been found 100% guilty of racism and assault.

“Grant served two state prison terms for various felonies including a conviction for drug dealing. In 2007, San Leandro police stunned him with a Taser to subdue him after a traffic stop, in which he threw the pistol into the air and ran. He was sentenced to 16 months in state prison.”

‘In November 1989, King robbed a store in Monterey Park, California using an iron bar to threaten and hit the store owner. He was convicted and sentenced to 2 years imprisonment.”

“In July 1995, he was arrested by Alhambra police, who alleged that he hit his wife with his car, knocking her to the ground. He was sentenced to 90 days in jail after being convicted of hit and run. On August 27, 2003, King was arrested again for speeding and running a red light while under the influence of alcohol. He failed to yield to police officers and slammed his vehicle into a house, breaking his pelvis.”

In both of these cases Black people rose up and joined hands in the name of justice. BUT NOTHING SIGNIFICANT HAS BEEN DONE OR CHANGED SINCE. Just because people rally does not mean anything is going to change. To make change, you must oust the powers that be or persuade them to alleviate their strain; either way those in power do not concur with the solution.

“White Americans (including Hispanics and non-Hispanics) were arrested more than any other race for these white-collar crimes in 2008, making up 67% of all arrests.”

“White Americans were identified as having committed the most racially motivated hate crimes in 2007, making up nearly 46% of all reported offenders… African Americans reported being victimized by racially motivated hate crime more frequently than any other race, making up 69% of all victims.”

"You could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down."
— Former Education Secretary and Drug Czar William Bennett

Rodney King in 1992 was a convicted criminal. At this present time he is a recovering alcoholic and has BEEN IN PRISON 3 TIMES. Oscar Grant was a convicted criminal and repeating offender before his death. These men should have been in a college classroom instead of the state prison. Their events sparked outrage and chaos in the state of California. Yet all the riots and protests did was MAKE BLACK PEOPLE LOOK LIKE A BUNCH OF BUFFOONS.

Now if any Black person wanted to make a difference during these dire times they would have done something more simple and impactful; ENROLL INTO COLLEGE. With a college education that person would be able to position themselves into a field where they can rise to a high position or establish their own business and begin to single out those who are acting out in prejudice. If you are not putting yourself in position to do away with those who are corrupting society than do not expect the corruption to go away. Years of suppression has been laid on ethnic communities around the world because they were apathetic to acquiring the right tools to fight back. The ultimate tool to fight any tyrant, kleptocracy, or plutocracy is education and entrepreneurship.

If the Black community had tens of hundreds of people applying city for council jobs, top-tier government jobs, and board of director chairs than more action towards justice could begin to punch through the miasma of racism that has oppressed them over the centuries. Without that action being done expect those in power to continue to elect officials who want the same executions they do. Protesting only lets people know that there are people who are fed up with the way standards are and want change, but change comes from ACTUALLY going out and acquiring the skills and tools necessary to fight the battle.

Some of the greatest disparities in the juvenile justice system's response to youth of color involve the number of youth arrested, and prosecuted for drug offenses. While African American youth comprise 17% of the youth population, African American youth represent 27% of all drug violation arrests, and comprise 48% of the youth detained for a drug offense.

African American Youth Are Treated Differently By the Juvenile Justice System

• Drugs. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, among youths aged 12 to 17, the rate of current illicit drug use was 11.1 % among whites, and 9.3% among African Americans. In a previous year, the same survey found that white youth aged 12 to17 are more than a third more likely to have sold drugs than African American youth. The Monitoring the Future Survey of high school seniors shows that white students annually use cocaine at 4.6 times the rate of African Americans students, use crack cocaine at 1.5 times the rate of African Americans students, and use heroin at the same rate of African Americans students, and that white youth report annual use of marijuana at a rate 46% higher than African American youth. However African American youth are arrested for drug offenses at about twice the rate (African American 314 per 100,000, white 175 per 100,000) times that of whites, and African American youth represent nearly half (48%) of all the youth incarcerated for a drug offense in the juvenile justice system.

• Weapons. According to the Center on Disease Control's annual Youth Risk Behavior Survey, in 2001 whites and African Americans reported similar rates of carrying a weapon (whites 17.9%, African Americans 15.2%), and similar rates of carrying a gun (whites 5.5%, and African Americans, 6.5%). African American youth represent 32% of all weapons arrests, and were arrested for weapons offenses at a rate twice that of whites (69 per 100,000, versus 30 per 100,000).

• Assault. According to the Center on Disease Control's annual Youth Risk Behavior Survey, African Americans report being in a physical fight at a similar rate (36.5%, versus 32.5% for whites), but were arrested for aggravated assault at a rate nearly three times that of whites (137 per 100,000, versus 48 per 100,000).”

If someone breaks into your home and escapes, what do you do? You call the police and then take preemptive actions so that no one ever breaks into your home again. Well that same idea works for everyone that has been “violated.” If someone does you wrong you do not go hunt them down and hurt them. You read books on the law and discover what your rights are and what methods you can use to receive restitution. Black people around the world must equip themselves with the knowledge to take power positions and bring justice to many systems that let criminals go and victims suffer. THE LOS ANGELES 1992 RIOTS SHOULD HAVE NEVER COMMENCED. Instead a RENAISSANCE OF BLACK EDUCATION should have began and today’s statistics of African American and Caucasian college enrollment should be the total obverse; Blacks should be leading and Whites following because of the suppression laden upon the Black community since the dawn of the Americas.

Firing With No Ammunition

“They are not letting Black people into the colleges.” “They are racial profiling Black people.” “They do not want us living in their neighborhoods.” “They do not give us the same justice as they do white people.” These are some of the complaints and allegations declared by Black people throughout the years towards the way American society has treated them. But let us look at this situation from a “What are you doing for yourself?” standpoint.

“They are not letting Black people into the colleges.” In every major university (excluding Historical Black Colleges) there are 3x or more Caucasian students than African American. The biggest and most controversial question we have to ask is “Will there ever be a 50% or more African American population at major and prestigious universities in America?” Why is that controversial? Simple; does White America want to see America’s greatest universities’ classrooms filled with more Black faces than White faces? If a backlash erupts and people begin to claim racism against Whites, people are being biased and favoring Blacks, and no one is giving the “American” an opportunity anymore because it is being run by refugees (same label they called Black people of New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina) than people will be able to start to identify how powerful racism is in America from people revealing their desire to rather see White people in college than Black. BUT, this experiment cannot be commenced if majority of the BLACK COMMUNITY IS NOT TRYING TO ENROLL INTO COLLEGE.

“The percentage of American college students who are minorities has been increasing. In 1976, 15 percent were minorities, compared with 32 percent in 2007…. The percentage of Black students was 9 percent at the beginning of the time period and it fluctuated during the early part of the period before rising to 13 percent in 2007.”
Table 226. http://nces.ed.gov/fastfacts/display.asp?id=98

So in 2007 13% of college students were African American. Why could not that number have been 25%? Or 33%? Or 50%? The first answer someone is going to say is because there are more Caucasians and Hispanics than Black people, which is true. But then again at every Historical Black College there are more African Americans than any other race which shows that the quantity of the race has nothing to do with it. If there is a sufficient amount of an ethnicity trying to enroll into a college than that will increase the volume and influence of that community at that college. So for someone to say “They do not want Black people at Harvard,” and prove that Harvard is being racist by overlooking qualified African Americans and choosing other ethnicities, there has to be an adequate amount of Black people even trying to enroll into Harvard before anyone can make a claim. Without that than the evidence of “not even enough African Americans are trying to enroll into our college” is going to be every university’s defense.

“They are racial profiling Black people.” Anywhere Black people go someone is watching them. They want to see what type of ruckus that Black person is going to commit especially in hamlets such as Beverly Hills, Westwood, CA, or the affluent hamlets of New York’s north side. But what if racial profiling is saving these people from a crime being committed against them?

Alleged gang rape of girl, 11, ignites firestorm in Texas community

March 14th, 2011

“African Americans, constituting approximately 12% of the general population, were significantly overrepresented in the total arrests made. African Americans were also significantly overrepresented in victimization, representing 47% of all murder victims… in 2008. Murder in White American and African American populations were overwhelmingly intraracial, with 83% of all White victims and 90% of all Black victims having been murdered by individuals of the same race.”

“With the exception of simple assault, African Americans reported being victimized by non-lethal violent crime at rates significantly higher than those of White Americans, Hispanic Americans, and individuals of Other race.”

“…public focus on the disproportionate representation of minorities in violent crime rate statistics has led to both the general racialization of the discussion regarding crime as well as to the emergence of a racial stereotype which characterizes young African American men as "inherently more sinister, evil and dangerous" than the young men of other racial groups... Research conducted over the last two decades on the public perceptions of crime reveals that 54% of surveyed White Americans believe that African Americans are more prone to violent behavior.”

“…the National Race and Politics Survey of 1991 recorded more than half of both White Americans and African Americans as being in agreement with the statement "Blacks are aggressive or violent". Further, nationwide research conducted in 2002 and 2004 revealed that the general public holds the belief that African Americans are involved in a greater percentage of violent crime than the official statistics actually indicate.”

More Black people die between the ages of 20-29 than any other race in America. More Black males and females die between the ages of 20-24 than White males 20-29. And the Black community wonders where all of their children are going.

ARE Blacks A Criminal Race?
"Statistics have long been kept on crime, breaking it down in various ways, including by race and ethnicity. Some identifiable groups, considered as a group, commit crime at a rate that is higher than the national rate. Blacks are such a group. That is simply a fact."
— Andrew C. McCarthy, former federal prosecutor, a senior fellow at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, National Review On-line, September 30, 2005

More people have been murdered in the Hip Hop community than in any other music genre COMBINED.

(Dolla) Roderick Anthony Burton II, 21 yrs. old

Rapper Dolla is shot, killed at Beverly Center. Shooting in the valet area of the upscale mall sends diners diving for cover.

(BIG L) Lamont Coleman, 24 yrs. old

“At 8:30 pm on February 15, 1999, Big L was shot nine times and died on the scene in his own neighborhood. At the time of his death, Coleman's brother was in prison on drug charges.”

(Bad News Brown) Paul Frappier, 33 yrs. old

(Camoflage) Jason Johnson, 21 yrs. old

“He was gunned down outside of a recording studio in May 2003.”

(Charizma) Charles Hicks, 20 yrs. old

"…Charizma was shot dead in a mugging on December 16, 1993."

(Mac Dre) Andre Louis Hicks, 34 yrs. old

“…a car pulled up next to the white van carrying Hicks. Occupants of the car opened fire. The white van swerved off the road and ran into a ditch, and the driver ran across the highway to call 911 at a store. Paramedics found Hicks dead from a gunshot wound.”

“Some people in the rap community initially suspected that the March 2007 shooting death of Johnny Ca$h was related to the Mac Dre killing; however, officials attributed Castaneda's death to unrelated "street violence.”

(Fat Pat) Patrick Lamark Hawkins, 27 yrs. old

(Fat Tone) Anthony "Fat Tone" Watkins, 24 yrs. old

“…a car had pulled beside theirs and opened fire hitting both Tone and Cowboy multiple times… Fat Tone was only 24 and Jermaine "Cowboy" Akins was only 22. It then later came out that Mac Minister had set up and killed Tone in retaliation for Andre Mac Dre Hicks death the previous year.”

(Freaky Tah) Raymond Rogers, 27 yrs. old

“On the night of March 28, 1999, at fellow Lost Boyz member Mr Cheeks' 28th birthday party, Freaky Tah was shot in the back of his head while he was going towards the exit of Sheraton Hotel.”

(Half A Mill) Jasun Ward, 30 yrs. old

(Big Hawk) John Edward Hawkins, 36 yrs. old

(Blade Icewood) Darnell Quincy Lyndsey, 28 yrs. old

“He was fatally shot on April 19, 2005, in gang related violence while at a car wash in the east side of Detroit.”

(Jam Master Jay) Jason William Mizell 37 yrs. old

(Notorious B.I.G.) Christopher George Latore Wallace 24 yrs. old

(Proof) DeShaun Dupree Holton, 32 yrs. old

(Seagram) Seagram Miller, 26 yrs. old

(2Pac )Tupac Amaru Shakur, 25 yrs. old

(Magnolia Shorty) Renetta Yemika Lowe-Bridgewater, 28 yrs. old

(Soulja Slim) James Tapp, Jr., 26 yrs. old

“On Thanksgiving Eve, November 26, 2003, Slim was en-route to a performance when he was shot four times; three times in the face, and once in the chest, in front of his mother's home and with wife Amanda and son A'darryl in the 8th Ward/Gentilly area.”

(Stretch) Randy Walker, 27 yrs. old

“On November 30, 1995, Stretch was murdered by being shot twice in the back by three men who pulled up alongside his green minivan at 112th Ave. and 209th St. in Queens Village while he was driving. His minivan smashed into a tree and hit a parked car before flipping over.”

(VL) Michael Allen, 32 yrs. Old
All information found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Murdered_rappers

If I was a non-African American and I looked at these statistics, I would be VERY AFRAID OF BLACK PEOPLE. Racial profiling could be the smartest thing a person can do towards any ethnicity that has LEADING statistics in crime. So what are African Americans complaining about if the top African American populated cities are also the top crime infested cities in America? This statistic conjures that when there is a mass of Black people crime is surely to erupt, infectiously. What is the refutation to this, if there is any? You can say, “You cannot judge everyone off one individual’s actions,” which is true. BUT, when these are aggregated statistics that have been culled nationwide, what else is a person to make judgments off of except their own experiences with a certain ethnicity (and hopefully those experiences were positive)? Before African Americans can begin to single out the firebrands calling them hoodlums they must ERASE the egregious crime statistics that stalk them. They must efface the immense Black on Black crime, gang war, pimping/prostitution, robbery, and drug dealing in their community before they scream “racism” when really, looking at it from a statistical standpoint it can be deemed “obviation.”

“They do not want to give Black people opportunities to work at their companies. They want to hire people like them.” People carouse with those who they feel comfortable around. Cultures establish hamlets where they can practice their beliefs and build a groupthink mentality. Employers hire those who they feel will be perfect for the position and an asset to the company. In each of these examples of people choosing their best matches, they all begin with the element of PRESENCE; actually being there to exemplify your qualities and exhibit where you stand amongst the rest.

On January 20, 2009, the United States of America inaugurated its first ever minority and African American president. Before this time, the thought of a Black president was absurd. Was the thought of a Black president absurd because he was Black, because of the history of Black people being suppressed, or because there was not a significant amount of Black people even trying to run for President? It is all three if we look history but the latter is the most powerful.

• Shirley Chisholm declared her candidacy for the Democratic Party nomination for President in 1972.
• Jesse Jackson ran for President in 1984 and 1988.
• Lenora Fulani ran in 1988.
• Republican Alan Keyes campaigned in 1996 and 2000.
• Carol Moseley Braun ran for President in 2004.
• Rev. Al Sharpton ran for President in 2004.

“Toni Morrison labeled Democrat Bill Clinton the first black president of the United States. Morrison suggested that Clinton was "blacker than any actual black person who could ever be elected in our children's lifetime." Author and professor Angela Dillard stated such claims constituted a "silly and defeatist notion" that separated the black community.”

Black Americans in Congress

It is external suppression when someone is prohibiting you from acquiring an entity but when you are prohibiting yourself by not even attempting to acquire it than all the blame is on you; and in many professions the blame is on the Black race when it comes to hiring them. There is a dearth of African Americans majoring in the Physics, Economics, or Political fields of science. There is a dearth of African Americans applying for congressional positions. To sum it all, there is a dearth of African Americans enrolling into college to begin with. So how can people even hire you if you are not positioning yourself to be selected? How many African Americans have we had since the inception of presidency that has run for president? If no one is running than no one can be elected. How many African Americans do we have applying for scientists, neurologists, or marketing executive positions? If no one is applying than do not expect to see African Americans discovering the next great medical breakthrough or designing an ad campaign dedicated to the Black community. If you are not there than you do not exist; out of sight out of mind. The Black race must branch out into professions that they do not dominate to build more of an influence in those fields. If they do not than expect many companies (owned by non-African Americans) to televise advertisements not geared towards Black consumers and hire few (if any) Black employees.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

What Does It Mean To Be Black?

characterized by absence of light; enveloped in darkness: a black night.
3.( sometimes initial capital letter )
pertaining or belonging to any of the various populations characterized by dark skin pigmentation, specifically the dark-skinned peoples of Africa, Oceania, and australia.
soiled or stained with dirt: That shirt was black within an hour.
gloomy; pessimistic; dismal: a black outlook.
deliberately; harmful; inexcusable: a black lie.
boding ill; sullen or hostile; threatening: black words; black looks.
without any moral quality or goodness; evil; wicked: His black heart has concocted yet another black deed.
indicating censure, disgrace, or liability to punishment: a black mark on one's record.
marked by disaster or misfortune: black areas of drought; Black Friday.
based on the grotesque, morbid, or unpleasant aspects of life: black comedy; black humor.
(of a check mark, flag, etc.) done or written in black to indicate, as on a list, that which is undesirable, sub-standard, potentially dangerous, etc.: Pilots put a black flag next to the ten most dangerous airports.
illegal or underground: The black economy pays no taxes.
deliberately false or intentionally misleading: black propaganda.

1. white. 4. clean. 5. hopeful, cheerful.

These are majority of the definitions of what it means to be considered Black. 12 of these definitions are labels that no one wants to be a part of. 12 of these definitions will cause you to lose your job, your family, and trust from all of your friends. Yet two of these definitions symbolize the manifestation of Black people. Now let us link these definitions to the state of the Black community in America. Definition 13 says based on the grotesque, morbid, or unpleasant aspects of life. Where do Black rappers say they are from? The hood/ghetto, which is the squalid opposite of the affluent suburbs, palisades, hills, and beach/river front hamlets of the rich. The Black race counts for 12% of the population yet 42% live in poverty. Also many African Americans feel a great sense of pride saying they are from the hood/ghetto and that is the type of life they want to live. Definition 9 says without any moral quality or goodness; evil; wicked. The greatest ethnicity populating prisons are African Americans; very much so that there are more African Americans in prison than they are in college (2x as many). Also the rise of serial killings in Black community has risen and the cities with a 50% Black population or more are also the most dangerous cities in America. Definition 5 says gloomy; pessimistic; dismal and definition 2 says enveloped in darkness. So long a pall has been over the inner divisions of the major cities in the United States. Those inner cities have been populated with African American and Hispanics living amongst the government funded “housing projects.” Many in these two communities have felt like the only way out of their forlorn lives are drugs or sports, but never academics. Definition 15 says illegal or underground. Millions in the Black community eulogize Al Pacino’s Tony Montana, Wesley Snipe’s Nino Brown, Christopher Walken’s Frank White, Al Pacino’s Carlito Brigante, Johnny Depp’s George Jung, and Denzel Washington’s Det. Alonzo Harris. Even more they PRAISE THE REAL PUSHERS Freeway Rick Ross, Frank Lucas, and Nicky Barnes that were CALLED NIGGERS AS THE WHITE COPS ARRESTED THEM. These people are ILLEGAL DRUG DEALERS THAT HAVE CAPTIVATED THE BLACK COMMUNITY for decades and have caused the Hip Hop community to fall in love with them. So I have linked 5 definitions of Black with African Americans which is also a definition of being Black. Is this what being Black really stands for? Crime, punishment, failure, and destruction? Only awareness of the deplorable conditions Black people have put themselves in will bring them out of this black hole that continues to suck thousands of African Americans into. Being a Black person should not mean you are evil, replete with disgust, or untrustworthy. Being Black means you are strong, immaculate, teeming with knowledge, and avant garde. Yet with the statistics that the Black community has towards crime and college enrollment, it is almost impossible to prove that.

1. dark, dusky; sooty, inky; swart, swarthy; sable, ebony. 4. dirty, dingy. 5. sad, depressing, somber, doleful, mournful, funereal. 7. disastrous, calamitous. 9. sinful, inhuman, fiendish, devilish, infernal, monstrous; atrocious, horrible; nefarious, treacherous, traitorous, villainous.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Black People Accepting Less In Life

Click on Image to zoom in and read. Very informative!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Circulation of Black Wealth

What is the circulation of wealth? There is the circulation of wealth in every country, in every continent, and in every culture; except the Black race. Name one affluent country that is dominated by Blacks. The only affluent cities in America that have a 50% Black population or more are Atlanta and Washington D.C. The circulation of wealth in the Black community is small, so small that it bears no influence on Corporate America.

So what is the circulation of wealth? The circulation of wealth is the flow of money through a certain community, country, or sect. In America it would be called the circulation of American wealth; Americans putting money into the hands and businesses of Americans. The Jewish have a very strong circulation of wealth. That cycle needs to be established in the Black community and on a macro scale. Black people need to be investing their money into Black owned businesses and colleges so that the money goes to expanding the Black community. The Black community cannot grow if the money comes from the hands of a Black owned business or African American consumer and goes into the company of a foreigner. It is the same predicament that America has going on today; jobs are being lost because American jobs are going overseas. American money is leaving the country and going into the hands of foreigners instead of staying in America. Well this plight has been an ongoing disaster in the Black community and must come to an end if they wish to prosper as an independent community and leading provider of a variety of products.

With no or little money coming into the Black community how can they build a foundation where they can send a message to other cultures (especially Caucasians) that “hey, we do not need you financially?” The circulation of wealth is not about beating out others or separating yourself from the pack but being independent and a strong contributing entity to society. Poverty is at a records high in the Black community, sending a message that MILLIONS of Black people are not investing, owning their own business, or obtaining a college degree to elevate themselves up the corporate ladder. With that said, how can the Black community even begin the circulation of wealth in their community if ALMOST HALF of the Black community is living in poverty (42%)? This leaves the other 58% of African Americans to carry the load that almost half of the other African American population should be hauling themselves. This DEAD WEIGHT cripples the Black community and leaves them at a stand still. Only until every African American begins to aspire for a college education and creating their own establishment will the Black race begin to dig themselves out of this mire.

For those who do not create their own business, rising to the pinnacle of a fortune 500 company or million dollar establishment is the only alternative. In these high positions they will have the power to open doors for more African Americans thus shifting the companies into a more multicultural establishment. But none of this can be done without a college education. For the circulation to begin, Blacks MUST have the agenda of putting their money into the hands of another Black outfit, and that company putting their money into the hands of a Black organization, and then that organization using that money to inspire the next generation of Black magnates. This is the circulation of Black wealth. The wealth never dies out; it forever lives on as education to the youth, investment for products, and subsidies for powerful projects.

This is what will revive the Black community and turn them into a vigorous entity that will rise above the suppression of stereotypes and racism. No more waiting for a “white man” to hire you or going into hamlets that do not want the company of Black people. Black people will be creating a world for themselves that is segregated from foreign insularities. Their own Hollywood; their own Beverly Hills; their own UCLA, Wal-Mart, and McDonald’s. Billion dollar establishments erected by Blacks and putting money into the hands of not only Blacks, but everyone as a whole.