"There is no stronger weapon against inequality and no better path to opportunity than an education that can unlock a child's God-given potential."

President Barack Obama

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Friday, February 25, 2011

Looking Deeper Into the Situation

When you are at a restaurant perusing the menu and you find something that seems palatable but you don’t know it is, what do you do? You inquire the waiter what is the meal comprised of. You have never purchased an item, eaten food, saw a movie, or taken medicine and you did not know anything about the product. And just like when we do not know about something or are not sure about something, we must also question things that surround us that do not seem viable or salubrious to society’s wellbeing. The Black race must begin to look deeper into its actions so that they can analyze the results that are plaguing the Black community.

Abortion Rate Among Black Women Far Exceeds Rate for Other Groups

“Blacks do, indeed, have much higher rates of abortions than whites or other minority groups. In 2000, while blacks made up 17 percent of live births, they made up more than twice that share of abortions (36 percent). If those aborted children had been born, the number of blacks born would have been slightly over 50 percent greater than it was…. Data from 1973 on indicate that black women's share of abortions has consistently been at least twice their share of live births.”

Estimated AIDS diagnoses by race/ethnicity and year

“Blacks/African Americans accounted for 52% of new HIV diagnoses and 48% of AIDS diagnoses in 2008. Of the total number of people living with HIV in 2007 in the 37 U.S. states and 5 dependent areas, 46% were black/African American; 32% white; 20% Hispanic/Latino; 0.8% multiple races; 0.6% Asian; 0.4% American Indian/Alaska Native; and 0.04% Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander.”

“Among men diagnosed with AIDS in 2008, 52% of black/African American men, 63% of Hispanic/Latino men and 78% of white men became infected with HIV through male-to-male sexual contact. Among women diagnosed with AIDS in 2008, 77% of black/African American women, 75% of Hispanic/Latino women and 65% of white women became infected through heterosexual contact.”

AIDS diagnoses in 2008 by race/ethnicity

 HIV diagnoses in 2008 by race/ethnicity

Black people must examine the consequences that are erupting due to the immense violence committed against one another, foolishness conducted in the hamlets of other communities (who may despise the Black race), the inertia towards venturing into professions that one may believe is “only for white people,” and the depictions that they create for their race in movies and music. It is not just Black people watching them BUT EVERYBODY. And for so long people have been taking note (and count) of the afflicting actions that has caused the Black race to be number one in many of America’s rising plights. And the way people are reacting to these actions are racial profiling, denying of acquisitions, and nepotism.

Omniscient gang violence in Black communities across Los Angeles, Chicago, and Detroit leads people to believe that all young Black males are gang bangers. A dearth of African Americans in different fields of science leads one to believe that Black people were not made to be astronomers or economists. A paucity of African Americans involved in politics leads one to ask the question, “Why should they care about another Black president?” A scarcity of African Americans holding investment banker, stock broker, or CFO seats leads one to believe that Africans Americans know nothing about finance, especially since the poverty rate is at records high in the Black community.

Donor: "... against blacks in college. The less black kids out there the better."

Planned Parenthood representative: "Yeah, yeah, it's a strange time to be sure."

People are looking at these statistics that haunt the Black community and making critical choices that hinder African Americans from advancing in many professions, thus placing African Americans in a position where they have to open doors for themselves. The Black on Black violence is wiping out the Black population along with the prison entry rate of the Black community. With AIDS being number one in the Black community and abortion at high numbers, this is a triple threat that will demolish the Black race altogether.

Black people must start looking deeper into their actions and close this black hole they have become suck into. Only a college education and immense awareness of the plights that have enveloped the Black community will bring them out this hole. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY. They must take jobs in professions Blacks are not massed in. They must all aspire for a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctorate’s Degree. They must create establishments for themselves where they are independent of other cultures. They must make a presence in the business world where they can become more venerated. They must cease the violence in the Black community, abortion, high school dropout rate, and single-family homes. There is no other way, unless African Americans want to continue to be the leader in AIDS, poverty, and crime.

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