"There is no stronger weapon against inequality and no better path to opportunity than an education that can unlock a child's God-given potential."

President Barack Obama

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Saturday, June 18, 2011

What Are You Fighting For!?

–verb (used with object)
to put an end to the activities of (a person, body of persons, etc.): to suppress the Communist party.
to do away with by or as by authority; abolish; stop (a practice, custom, etc.).

–verb (used with object)
to burden with cruel or unjust impositions or restraints; subject to a burdensome or harsh exercise of authority or power

To suppress something it must be moving forward. The object/organism must be transitioning into a better statehood for you to suppress it. But how can you suppress something that is not transitioning? YOU CANNOT. The entire purpose of stopping something is so it does not accomplish its goal, so therefore if an organism never had a goal to begin with, something interrupting that organism never really suppressed it.

The Black Panther coalition had a motto. “Fight the Power.” But what was “the Power?” What were they fighting for? Was it equality amongst their white counterparts? Equal rights for all? An equal opportunity to enroll into college and reach the American Dream? Fight the power, fight the power; what was “the Power?” Who was “the Power” to be exact? Was it the White Man, white people as a whole, or society as a whole? In the 80’s and early 90’s crime was at its peak in the Black community. Poverty was at its peak. Desolation and negativity was at its crest. So who was “the Power” if all of this was occurring in the Black community by the hands of African Americans? Was there injustice by many against the Black community? Of course, and there still is. BUT, before the ’92 Rodney King Riots, LOS ANGELES WAS ALREADY A HAVEN FOR BLACK ON BLACK CRIME AND GANG VIOLENCE. Was the the Black on Black crime “the Power,” or was it the injustice by the crooked individuals?

These two passages bring me to my junction. FROM THE 1970’S TO NOW THE BLACK COLLEGE ENROLLMENT RATE HAS ONLY RISEN 4%. Prisons are flooding with African Americans and it has been acknowledged that more African American men are in prison (and going to) than in college. African American males have a 47% high school graduation rate. More Black people die between the ages of 20-29 than any other race in America. More Black males and females die between the ages of 20-24 than White males 20-29. When rates like these are STAGGERING who needs “the Power” to suppress you? YOU ARE SUPPRESSING YOURSELF. “The Power” does not need to step in because you are already doing their job for them. What are you really fighting for? Is it external change or internal change because before you expect someone else to change you must first look at yourself.

Suppression does not exist to an educated person. A savant cannot be held down by “the Power.” Only weak minded people fight back with physical force. If you are higher educated than you know how to circumvent around “the Power” utilizing your mind and not your fist. Riots ensue because of deep anger instilled in the hearts of the individuals rioting; but riots are never a solution. Marches and protests show a presence and can be great influences; but this too is not a significant solution. What fights “the Power” from all sides is EDUCATION. Acquiring a higher education and implementing it against the system in an adept way that sidles in constructive change. That is how you fight oppression. Not by violence, but by intelligence.

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