The United States is the greatest country for capitalism hands down. One of the many things that Americans (mainly in large cities like Los Angeles or New York) have pondered is the amount of emigrants from all over the world who have managed to come to America and find immense affluence; prosperity that may have been inconceivable in their home country. That growth of success is confounding because the number of successful emigrants and descendants of emigrants are starting to exceed the number of successful, American born citizens. More Americans are falling into poverty and not receiving a college education than many people in third world countries. If we actually take a look at many of the inner cities in America , many of them are like third world countries, with high crime rates, low incomes, a high incompetence rate, many family members under one roof, and poor living conditions. But who is to blame? The government? Since this is not a socialist nor communist government, or kleptocracy, what do they have to do with the ambition of the people? Nothing if starting your own business involves YOU starting your own business. The only ones we can blame are the people. The United States falls 14th in the world in Reading , 21st in Science, and 25th in Math. In 2006, Nathan Thornburgh of Time Magazine published an article titled, Drop Out Nation, highlighting the alarming rate of high school drops out in America . All the countries that are in the top ten of the educational bracket are receiving the education they need and thus are more fit to build a better capitalistic society. If American teens are not aspiring for the same higher education there is no way they will be able to compete with the prodigious amount of competition flocking into the United States . When jobs become more difficult to find, that is when the biggest complaint is going to be “these immigrants are taking all of our jobs.”
“…10% of schools are ‘drop out factories,’ where 60% of the freshman class are failing and will not graduate.” (Earl Graves Jr., Black Enterprise , 2010)
“35% of public school students are Black and Hispanic. 15% of teachers are Black and 2% are Black male.” (U.S. Department of Education, 2010)
The greatest uneducated communities in America are the Hispanic and Black community. 66% more people in the Caucasian community received college educations in 2007 than both of these communities combined. In 2005, the Black and Hispanic community contributed 59% to America ’s high school drop out rate. So back to America being the greatest country for capitalism. The Hispanic community is the single highest growing race and most uneducated, with the Black community trailing in second place. With all this opportunity that is laid out for these two communities to take, why are so many dispassionate to the education that is not only vital to them as individuals but to society as a whole? Many of the complaints in the Black community have been “the White man does not want us working for them.” Or “there are no jobs for Black people.” Or “they only want people that look like them.” Well DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT except working the low level jobs that people despise. Receive a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctorate’s Degree, take that arduous position, acquire the experience, and then establish your own business. Education equals career equals opportunity. Black people need to establish more businesses so they can open more doors for more African Americans. If no one will give you a chance then you create your own. You do not have to be accepted by anyone. ACCEPT YOURSELF.
Information showcasing drop out rates of Blacks and Hispanics in 2005.
Blacks Compared to Whites Enrolled In College: The Numbers Will Shock You
Blacks Compared to Whites High School Dropout Rate: The Numbers Are Horrifying
Compared to Other Cultures In Firm Ownership: Why There Are No Opportunities
Many people, even Blacks, cannot fathom having a city full of affluent, college educated Black people garnering billion dollars of assets, and let me conclude, without the hands of a White man. That belief has hindered so many from aspiring for a better life because they believe only the White man can give them what they want. You can have whatever you want as long as you have the education to achieve it. There can be cities, nations, countries, and continents of Black people, reaping billions of dollars in wealth, ranging from careers in oil, chemistry, finance, business consulting, engineering, marketing, and medical (notice how all of those are college degree required vocations). Black people need to comprehend the image of Blacks all over the world acquiring a higher education and establishing their own businesses. Establishing a business opens a world of opportunity to give back to the Black community. This is the only way for their culture to prosper. Ask yourself one question: “Does anyone have an ethical or lawful obligation to hire you, Black or White?” No. A company wants the best and only the best, so not having a college degree automatically rules you out.
“…an increased poverty rate – as high as 42 percent - for children living in single family homes; easy access to guns; lack of male role models and counseling programs; and gang conflicts.”
Many people, even Blacks, cannot fathom having a city full of affluent, college educated Black people garnering billion dollars of assets, and let me conclude, without the hands of a White man. That belief has hindered so many from aspiring for a better life because they believe only the White man can give them what they want. You can have whatever you want as long as you have the education to achieve it. There can be cities, nations, countries, and continents of Black people, reaping billions of dollars in wealth, ranging from careers in oil, chemistry, finance, business consulting, engineering, marketing, and medical (notice how all of those are college degree required vocations). Black people need to comprehend the image of Blacks all over the world acquiring a higher education and establishing their own businesses. Establishing a business opens a world of opportunity to give back to the Black community. This is the only way for their culture to prosper. Ask yourself one question: “Does anyone have an ethical or lawful obligation to hire you, Black or White?” No. A company wants the best and only the best, so not having a college degree automatically rules you out.
“…an increased poverty rate – as high as 42 percent - for children living in single family homes; easy access to guns; lack of male role models and counseling programs; and gang conflicts.”
(Ebony Magazine, August 2010, Stop Killing Our Dreams, Shirley Henderson)
“54% of all Black children are supported by their mother…”
(Essence Magazine, Jan. 2011, Get Fiscally Fit in 2011, Tanisha A. Sykes)
“…Black male graduation rate is at 47%.”
(Broad Foundation, Earl Graves Jr., BlackEnterprise , 2010)
(Broad Foundation, Earl Graves Jr., Black
One thing that is a major factor for the lack of education and motivation to create businesses in the Black community is the lack of a POSITIVE MALE IMAGE for the youth. More homes in the Black community are single family homes than in the Asian and Caucasian community (so you can see one of the major factors of why these two communities are also the highest earning groups in the nation). All over the Black community many of the youth do not have that extra push from someone that they can love and trust telling them garner a college education and establish their own business. In the Caucasian and Asian communities, succession and their family legacy are the impetus that drives them. But the Black community is not looking at it from that standpoint. They are too concerned with right now and fast money. That is why their money comes and goes, and never builds.
“Chicago remains in denial about the driving factor behind such mayhem: the disappearance of the black two-parent family.”Heather Mac Donald, City Journal, John M. Olin Fellow at the Manhattan Institute
“…60% of Blacks do not have a will.”
(, Earl Graves Jr., BlackEnterprise , 2010)
(, Earl Graves Jr., Black
“…Minorities hold 16 cents to every dollar…. Of people whose income is $75,000 and over, Blacks hold assets of $18,300; Caucasians hold $238,000.”
(Brandeis’s University Institute, Earl Graves Jr., Black Enterprise, 2010)
(Brandeis’s University Institute, Earl Graves Jr., Black Enterprise, 2010)
“…25% of White families inherit money of average $10,000; 8% of Blacks inherit money in the average of $900.”
(Earl Graves Jr., BlackEnterprise , 2010)
(Earl Graves Jr., Black
“…in the 4th quarter of 2009, 74.5% of Caucasians owned homes, compared to 46% of Blacks who owned homes.”
(U.S. Census Bureau 2010)
If a plethora of Blacks are opening their minds more and acquiring college degrees, than the knowledge can flow and more Blacks can help out one another. There will be no excuse as to why so many in the Black community are suffering. Incomes will rise, neighborhoods will be gentrified, and the American deficit will diminish. Palls all over the nation will be lifted off the long forlorn communities of the Black community. If you go to many cities in the nation the worst considered division of the city are in the Black and Hispanic communities, and many of the lowest income and home values are in these communities. That is because of the lack of education in these communities. No one holds degrees to hold profitable positions so no one can bring money into their community. Many in the Black community are living off of welfare, taking advantage of the government and living off the entrepreneur’s tax money. If you are living off the entrepreneur’s income, the subsidies needed to start new businesses are dissipating. There is no revenue to erase the American deficit or aid new business owners if many of these people are using it in non-capitalistic ways. The more children the brought into these welfare supported communities the more they squander the subsidies that business owners can utilize to see their dream flourish and revitalize the economy. But guess who does not care about the languid Negro crying and pining how no one cares about them? Republicans? No, take another guess. College graduates who hold vaunted positions and cannot see themselves holding those positions without that degree. They are sitting back and saying “get off your ass and go to school.”
Compare These Statistics With Non-Black Dominated Communities And See What Community Has Better Statistics
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