"There is no stronger weapon against inequality and no better path to opportunity than an education that can unlock a child's God-given potential."

President Barack Obama

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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sag Means Fag

When you see a guy with his pants sagging, hanging below his buttocks and barely staying up by the skin of his legs, what does that mean? Does it mean he is a professional businessman who knows how to invest and indentify the next great trend? Or does it mean he just does not possess a belt to hold them up? Well it depends on whether you are in the hetero or homosexual community because the origination of men wearing their pants down evolved between the jail cells of prison when the “prostitutes” would solicit themselves, letting all the men know they are available. Well when the men were released from prison they carried this trend into the hoods and ghettos where they were outcast because of their criminal nature. Many of them were hoodlums so this loosely became a “symbol” for if you are a thug or not, but really stood for the men that were indentifying their sexual orientation. And still today this act is a way that many gay men identify themselves, especially in the Hispanic and Black community. But ask yourself this: “Why do so many HETEROSEXUAL Black males sag their pants?” If sagging your pants means that you are soliciting yourself to a male, than what provokes these men to do it? Lil Wayne, T.I., Jay-Z, hell every rapper in the business and even R&B singers like Trey Songz SAG THEIR PANTS. And yet they say they are straight males. Never has sagging your pants represented a “thug” status, an affluent status, a power status, or educational status. It has always represented the gay community and that this male wants a penis up his anus. And this trend originated with what race? You guessed right? The Black race, pushed by the so called “pimps” of the prison system. Analyzing this convoluted and sickening fashion even deeper, what job does the Black male that commits this believe he is going to get? Not a top tier, six/seven figure one that is respectable. Not even a cashier job at McDonalds. No employer wants anyone that looks like an untamed monkey working for them. And this dress is omnipresent in the Black community. There is no respect in this type of dress. No one respects you or looks up to you. This type of dress brings revulsion and decry. And guess who is looking at this and saying “look at those chimps?” Non-Black races who carry themselves professionally and might I add, are higher on the educational bracket than Black people (financial bracket as well). So when they see this they want nothing to do with Black people because one: they are calling their women bitches and hoes; two, are calling themselves niggers; and three, walking around with their pants to their ankles like ruffians. With that trinity no wonder many believe that Black people are the minstrels of society.