"There is no stronger weapon against inequality and no better path to opportunity than an education that can unlock a child's God-given potential."

President Barack Obama

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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ghetto Nazis and Hood Miscreants

When you think of poverty what countries come into mind? Nigeria, India, Guatemala, third world and developing countries right. What about the United States? Very much so, and what two races make up majority of that poverty? The Black and Hispanic. What is poverty if people in America fall into that financial bracket?  If you are a living on a single income and make $500 a week ($26,000 yearly), then you are living in poverty because that is the bracket of AN EIGHT PERSON HOME. You are not out of poverty until you are making $38,000 or more, which is the fair entry pay of college graduate in business. But what is confounding is that the Black community idolize this. The harder the come up, the better they see life, at least that is the image that they present through Hip Hop songs and this bravado they receive from being deemed “hood.” When a Black person says they are hood they are saying that they are tough, rugged, from the streets, hardhearted, and intransigent. Also that they are untrustworthy and filthy because being hood is a division of poverty. When a person is hood they do not possess a college degree, a strong career, a palatable estate, acceptable credit score, or business intellect to take an upper management position. All these necessities represent affluence and respect. So, if these attributes indentify a venerable person that is on their way to a stable financial future, and majority of people in the Black community want nothing to do with those attributes, why should someone want anything to do with a Black person (read more before you react)? Life is built on trust, and you palpably cannot trust a hood person. Also many in the Black community label themselves “ghetto.” Let us analyze this word that has become the general term for everything egregious. First off, it is a word designated for the Jews. How come more Black people utilize it more than the Jews??? And the ghetto is a division of poverty; they were the slums that were designated for Jews during the World War II. So when a Black person says they are from the ghetto, they are saying they are from the filthiest, most disgusting, dilapidated environment that exists on earth because this is what the Nazis believed the ghettoes were for the Jews. And if a Black person says they are ghetto they are saying that they are one of the most disgusting, filthiest, and dastardly people on the face of the earth because we all know how Hitler viewed the Jews. But many in the Black community love this and accept it with open arms. Have you heard some of these phrases by many African Americans: “Ghetto girl; the ghetto raised me; hood rich; hood chick; I’m in the hood; ghetto superstar; that is how it is in the ghetto?” And Black people say this with pride. Rappers love the ghetto/hood. Many of them have named their albums after the derogatory terms and some have even named their epithets after them. Many times their music videos are filmed in the “hood.” Too bad that many Black people do not know that no one wants anything to do with a ghetto/hood person because there are too many woes that follow a ghetto/hood person. It is in everyone’s best interest to stay away from a ghetto/hood person because that person is like a leech; they possess nothing and their only purpose is to eviscerate the sanguinity out of you. No wonder the number of Caucasians and Asians outnumber the Black community in the collegiate and corporate world; because they do not want anything to do with the hood/ghetto, and Black people do.

–noun Slang
a hoodlum.


1.a thug or gangster.
2.a young street ruffian, esp. one belonging to a gang.
Americanism ; prob. < dial. G; cf. Swabian derivatives of Hudel  rag, e.g. hudelum  disorderly, hudellam  weak, slack Hudellump ( e ) rags, slovenly, careless person, and related words in other dialects
“The term "ghetto" actually comes from the word "gheto" or "ghet", which means slag in Venetian, and was used in this sense in a reference to a foundry where slag was stored located on the same island as the area of Jewish confinement (the Venetian Ghetto). An alternative etymology is from Italian borghetto, diminutive of borgo ‘borough.’”

2010 City Crime Rate Rankings - Let Us Pay Attention to the Correlation of Cities with a 50% Or More African American Population

2000 Census Information - Albeit, the top 25 most dangerous cities of 2010 are also included in the top African American populated cities. Why is the crime rate so high, or moreover, why is there even a crime rate at all in the Black community?

Percentage Black
Gary, Indiana
Detroit, Michigan
Birmingham, Alabama
Jackson, Mississippi
New Orleans, Louisiana
Baltimore, Maryland
Memphis, Tennessee
Richmond, Virginia
Savannah, Georgia
Atlanta, Georgia
Washington, D.C.
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Newark, New Jersey
Flint, Michigan
St. Louis, Missouri
Cleveland, Ohio
Shreveport, Louisiana
Portsmouth, Virginia
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Augusta, Georgia
Montgomery, Alabama
North Charleston, South Carolina
Inglewood, California
Mobile, Alabama
Columbia, South Carolina
Beaumont, Texas
Dayton, Ohio
Cincinnati, Ohio
Little Rock, Arkansas
Compton, California
Buffalo, New York
Hartford, Connecticut
New Haven, Connecticut
Kansas City, Missouri
Oakland, California
The Black Population: 2000 - Page 7 Has the Cities and States with the Highest African American Populations - 2010 Census Coming Soon

Crime Rate By Type: Selected Large Cities 2008

This site can be used to juxtapose the crime rate and real estate value in every city in the US. Compare Black neighborhoods such as Compton to non-Black dominated and tell me which is higher in what community. If you bring the crime down, real estate goes up because the area is considered safer and more prestigious.

And why are so many Black people from around the world find that being “in the streets” gives them more credibility than anything else. Being in the streets only brings strife, shame, and failure, for the more you are in the streets, the less you are in school, in the corporate world, and in position to better yourself as a human being. When a person says “I’m in the streets,” they mean they are out hustling, selling drugs, prostituting, procuring, protecting their territory, or just plainly running amuck. But what are the benefits of any of these shenanigans? One might say “stripes.” These people want to be recognized as “hood famous.” The guy/girl who everyone aspires to be; possesses the elan, cars, and other material commodities that they will never acquire by being in the streets.

But that is nothing compared to a corporate lawyer who represents ONLY top tier clients such as Disney, Time Warner, MTV and other power figures in the corporate world. Being hood famous does not exist to a marketing executive who has developed and executed a series of successful commercial, print, and web campaigns for fortune 500 companies such as Microsoft, Apple, Wal-Mart, and McDonalds that people AROUND THE WORLD have seen, including you. This idiotic hood famous fantasy that so many Black people aspire to be has finagled the Black community and made them chase after something that they will never receive. Instead of aspiring to be that corporate lawyer, scientist, neurologist, or chairman of the board, a myriad of Black people are opting to be crime infested rats or nagging, lethargic miscreants. Who cares if some non-collegiate imbecile who has three kids from three different women and works at the “white man owned” warehouse with every other high school dropout salutes you for “getting your hustle on.” What does that person know about the stock market? What does that person know about devising a business plan and managing it all the way to its maturity? What does this person even know about integrated marketing? Nothing! So why would you aspire to be like this person or have this person’s approval on if you are “hood” enough or not!? No person working a six, seven figure position, has a seat on the board, holds an executive position at a multi million dollar company, or is responsible for the assets of one of the leading companies in the world wants anything to do with being in the streets because they know that it will get them nowhere in life. Did Don Thompson become the Chief Operations Officer and president of McDonald’s by being in the streets? Did Kenneth Chenault become the CEO of American Express by being in the streets? Did Xerox CEO Ursula Burns, the first Black woman to become CEO of a S&P 100 company and the 14th most powerful woman in the world become a success by being in the streets? Or let me ask you this… Do you know who these people are (all of them African Americans)? Being honest if you are not in the business world than it does not matter if you know who they are because they are celebrities in the corporate world. The corporate world alone, the sole entity that keeps the world thriving, knows these people very well and many people in the corporate world rely heavy on these three magnates and others in their positions decisions to see the direction the world will turn next. None of that involves being in the streets. Business elites are the people college graduates and people who want to make a POSITIVE contribution to society aspire to be, not Jay-Z when he raps “Money, Cash, Hoes,” not Shawty Lo when he orates “I’m Da Man,” or Rick Ross when he proposes everyday he is “Hustlin,” but these aforementioned powerful, seminal, and dominating men and women who control what we see, hear, and feel. From the government to the sole proprietor, none of these people desire to be in the streets, for success does not exist and failure is inevitable.

Being in the streets earns the respect of the OGs in the hood right? Take another look. It does not take a 5th grade education to decipher this quandary. The more you are in the streets the less you are in the classroom. The less you are in the classroom the less educated you are or should I say ignorant. The more ignorant you are the less apt you are for the business world. What happens when they are no Black people in the business world??? You become obsolete. No one needs you. No one thinks of you. Less doors are opened for African Americans by African Americans because they are not even an sufficient amount of African Americans who have the basic college education to start their own business, garner an upper management position, or teach the younger generation how to possess a business mind. Black owned businesses die out. More Blacks start to rely on the hands of other cultures to give them an opportunity than possessing the skills to beget a business entity themselves. When you do not have a hand in the pot you cannot take anything out, and if you do not possess the skills to even compete than you will be left behind. The world is not structured to remember you, leave a space for you, or even give you an opportunity. It is solely up to you to create a path for yourself and represent you and your people to the fullest. Being in the streets not only sends a blatant message that you do not care about yourself or your future, but also the wellbeing of your race and where you want to stand on the societal ladder of equality and contribution. Honestly ask yourself, when you fill out your resume will you put anything that you did in the streets on it? And if you do, do you really believe a corporate executive is going to look at it and bring you on to their million dollar investment that they have poured their blood, sweat, and tears into? They are going to want someone who they can depend on that possesses the financial, managerial, and creative skill to manage their company into the next level, not someone with a street mentality. Anyone running the streets is obsolete, and always will be. So when you are running the streets hustling, everyone knows who you are and respect what you do correct? The ones who committed this foolishness before you but have given it up now look at you as the one keeping the torch burning. But guess who else is watching you? Those who look down on the Black race. Those people who stereotype and commit racism because of their insularities. Those people who do not want Blacks working at their establishment or even contributing financially to their business. Those people who want you roaming the streets, selling drugs to your people, killing your people, raping and abusing your people, humiliating your people on the news and decrying your race because it creates the image that they want you to possess. There are people out there who want you in the streets rather in the classroom or in the boardroom. They know that the less you are in numbers the more control they have. All these incidents and more give them legal and ethical reasons to discriminate against you and your people. And guess what? And as long as you are committing these atrocities against your people it is ok. You killing off your people or refusing to garner a full education to better your community does not affect the image of their people in anyway. Matter of fact it makes them look even better than your people because the crime rate is not teeming in their community and they are contributing more to society than your people. So you have to ask yourself, am I really escaping the man by being in the streets? Am I really doing any harm to the corporate world by not walking into that classroom and paying attention? Many in the Black community abase college as if it is a
BAD thing to do. So yeah run the streets. Be “the man” to your hood and feed into the stereotype that cynics and people who do not want you in their hamlets believe about you. Or do you value success over foolishness?

 “Inglewood's property crime levels tend to be lower than California's average level. The same data shows violent crime levels in Inglewood tend to be higher than California's average level.” 

If someone said that “Black people do not care about education but they sure do love to commit crime,” than they would have the statistics to prove it.

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